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Fashion and ramp makeup

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Fashion and ramp makeup

Fashion & Ramp makeup is also known as high fashion makeup. The makeup for the runway is entirely different from the rest of the makeup. While working, your mind and vision should always be clear. For this, Orane has a 3-month course in fashion and runway makeup because, on the runway, every model has a different look, representing different styles, so it must look different; you cannot let their look lose focus in anybody’s vision.

What you will learn
  • Students will learn how to present the model in the best light to highlight the brand
  • The students will learn about makeup according to different times of the day, such as night makeup and morning makeup
  • The students will learn how to portray the model’s attire and cosmetics in line with the ramp walk theme by dressing elegantly in their unique ways

Course Duration : 3 months

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